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    Accepted articles: 25
    Rejected articles: 7
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    Rejection rate: 12.73

    Average Time to Accept: 44 days
    Average Time to First Review: 6.6 days
    Average Time to Publish: 41.8 days
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    Scientific-Research Quarterly Journal of Law Knowledge
    The Quarterly Journal of Law Knowledge, owned by Khatam Al-Nabieen University, belonging to the Faculty of Jurisprudence and Law, began its activities on 23/07/2023. This journal aims to publish scientific-research articles in the field of Islamic and modern law knowledge with an emphasis on the local needs of Afghanistan. The journal is defined as a quarterly with open access in electronic format and is ready to accept articles in the field of Islamic and modern law. The main motivation for publication is to contribute to the development of law knowledge, promote a culture of research, and address societal challenges with a law approach. Overcoming the numerous crises that plague society requires intellectual and practical efforts, and this quarterly journal is a small step in that direction.
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    Scientific-Research Quarterly Journal of Law Knowledge
    Print ISSN:
    Online ISSN:
    Dr. Ali Ahmad Rezaei
    Dr. Qasem Ali Sadaqat